I rebuilt Gambler as a "pure" Swordmage. I've perverted the concept ofa Swordmage, though.
Ok, here's what I did:
He's all swordmage.
His starter feat is "Weapon Proficiency:Shuriken" - I had gotten to the point where the throwing card-blades were an iconic part of the character. They illustrate something about him that is deeper than his backstory.
I gave him the background of Circus Performer to get acrobatics as a class feat. And really, I think he may have once been a performer of some kind. A variation on the "knife thrower" act- part of a traveling frontier circus act type deal.. perhaps with a tragic past where he killed his assistant.
So here's the kicker: I chose all implement powers, and Shurikens count as light blades. The system let me get away with it! I have a backup blade if I need it, but there are no melee attacks for him. Plus his AC is nice and high (19!) and he seems to do ..low but reliable damage for a 1st-level guy. (+4 vs reflex, 1d6+4 close burst damage..or +6 vs fort, 1d6+4 range 3). If the Lightning Lure seems ill-considered, keep in mind the other attack is that close burst. It's a Control-fender.
The hardest part to let go of was the Aegis. I didn't see him as having a high Con, but the Aegis of Shielding is the only one that doesn't put my guy in melee range. If they eventually release a new Aegis that allows for a thrown attack, or a teleport *away* I'll take it, but for now.. I am a shielding swordmage. Nerfing a marked enemy damage by 6 ain't bad. Still considering whether or not I want to bump Con up another point at the cost of Charisma. The character is charismatic in my mind.
…With shurikens shaped like playing cards.